** Reply to message from Martin Bialasinski
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 17 Nov 1998 23:57:15 +0100

> Let's not talk about the food :-)

I quite agree, we have far too many Macdonalds and Burger King.
There was this scene in the movie 'time after time' where the H G
Wells character in the 20th century said he had eaten at a Scottish
resturant (he was refering to McDonalds).

BTW we used to have some Arthur Treacher's fish and chips places here,
but I couldn't figure out if they were 'real' or an American knock off
of the real thing.  Closest thing to 'real' British food that I think
I ever tried was at Walt Disney World's Epcot.  (I still want to visit
London some day, if for no other reason than to walk down Baker St.)
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