
I'm not sure if I have similar problem to your, but anyway.  Here how my 
Netscape gets stuck:
1. Goto Debian.org --> Mailing list archives --> debian-devel (october)
or actually to any big archive for this matter.  It starts to read messages 
and at about 86% gets stuck.  No response, have to use kill -9.  Sometimes it 
happends when you click on some message and after that click "Back" button.

I just tried it 2 times.  Got stuck in both cases :)  I have slink+netscape 
4.5, but it happended to all previous versions of netscape as well.


> Hi y'all:
> I have been having a strange problem for the past month or so:
> I've been using Netscape 4.05 under Debian with Kernel 2.0.34
> (if it matters) as my Newsreader for a long time, with no 
> problems.  But whenever I try to read the group comp.lang.perl.misc,
> it starts updating the messages and then crashes Netscape -- right
> back to a blue screen.  Only this one group has this effect,
> and only in the past month or so.  I have NO idea where to begin
> looking for a solution.  Has anybody got any ideas?
> T.I.A.
>               Howard S. Ostrowsky
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

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