
I guess that this brand of laptop does not share the same 'feature' as the other
toshiba's.  I seems that it mainly affects the newer toshiba's, but it is not 
just limited
to toshiba's.  I dont know the what,why,how of this feature, but perhaps it 
would be useful
if someone organised a list of what laptops need the tecra boot and driver 
images and what
laptops are fine.

Any takers??  Perhaps this information is already on the Laptop linux site 
(sorry know
reference !!).


Peter Bartosch wrote:

> Hi!
> }-> Dont Panic !!!
> }->
> }-> There is nothing wrong with your laptop, except that it has the same 
> feature as all
> }-> the other toshiba laptops (and a few other brands).
> }->
> }-> The Toshiba laptops require special rescue and drivers and these are 
> located in the
> }-> tecra folder in the boot disk directory.
> what are the differences? i´ve installed ma toshiba 210cs without any
> special (tecra-) disks
> my way was installing a temporary dos-platform and then installing from
> directly from the cd-rom (first time it was bo, but about 2 month back i
> installed hamm completely new ;-)
> until next mail ;)
> Peter
>       :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:
>       :       student of technical computer science        :
>       :  university of applied sciences krefeld (germany)  :
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