Robert Rati wrote:
> I just did an update of my packages, and have run into a major problem.
> While apt was upgrading my system, it had errors giving this messsage:
> Error processing packages:
> g++_2.91.58-5.deb
> E: Sub-process returned an error code
> Well, now when I try to run dselect or apt, I get this message:
> error in loading shared libraries
> /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
> Has anyone else had this problem or have any ideas as to how to fix it?

This is becoming a FAQ.
You need the newest version of libstdc++, 2.91.59-1.
If you are using the dpkg from unstable, you need to downgrade it to

For convenience, I've tarred up all the needed files:

and posted them at

Download them and install them with dpkg.  Then put a hold on your dpkg to
keep it from getting upgraded (until a fixed one is on the mirrors).

Hope this helps,

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