
The Oracle 8i together with Oracle Webserver is running.

We installed redhat and the same error occurred, so we (gladly) switched
back, so it's no debian specific problem.

The problem seems to be not a configuration error but a bug in oracle; a
queue somewhere (we don't know) keeps one to two requests in the queue
until it is flushed (about every 10 seconds). A workaround is to let a
script start a request every second or so.

Just wanted to let you know.

On Thu, 26 Nov 1998, Lukas Eppler wrote:

> Hi,
> We managed to set up an Oracle Version 8i on our 2xPII/512MB debian box
> with the Oracle Webserver, but it answers webrequests only all 10.05
> seconds. If I manage to wget the page right before the tick, I get it
> instantly, otherwise I have to wait up to 10 seconds. Logs seem to think
> the request is completed instantly, but it isn't... It seems the page is
> blocked afterwards, outside Oracle. 
> Since no one out there seems to have that problem we consider to try out
> Redhat, which would be a pity. So, I would be glad if someone could give
> me a hint what to try.
> Thanks,
> --
> Lukas Eppler (godot)

Lukas Eppler (godot)

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