Hi, Jan!

I was running Mathematica 3.0 on Pentium II 233MHz + 64Mb + 128Mb swap.  I did 
not do any really complicated calculations with Mathematica, but they kept my 
computer busy for 5-15 minutes.  Honestly I don't have good experience with 
mathematica, mathematica kernel was crashinig quite often, I have to restart 
it.  Sometimes kernel got stuck, and produced garbage as a result, and I 
restarted whole mathematcia to cure the situation.  I blame Mathematica for 
that, not Linux kernel or memory or hardware.  Button "restart kernel" inside 
Mathematica always made me suspicious about this program, but on the other 
hand Mathematica is well established program, on which many people rely.   
Well, perhaps it's just Mathematica for Linux that behaves badly.  I would 
recommend to run your program on some non-Linux machine, (like university 
cluster), just to see what happends.


> Unfortunately when the mathematica3.0 is running,
> after using ("consuming") all RAM memory it can only 
> use up to 460Mb of swap and then it prints message:
> 'out of memory' and exits the calculations
> (stop running the calculation) but it does not crush,
> the front end of it and its kernel can be used further.
> It is normal ? How can be the total swap amount (860Mb) used?
> Does anybody have some idea, where could be reason
> for such behaviour of Mathematica, Linux and swap?
> (fault in kernel, my configurations of Linux, in Mathematica,
> in my hard disk swap?) 
> Here are some additional information
> $ free
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:        515772      57200     458572      32108       2444      32272
> -/+ buffers/cache:      22484     493288
> Swap:       860052       1300     858752
>  fstab:
> # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
> #
> # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options>  <dump> <pass>
> /dev/hdc1 /  ext2 defaults,errors=remount-ro   0      1
> /dev/hda3               none            swap    sw          0       0
> /dev/hda5               none            swap    sw          0       0
> /dev/hda6               none            swap    sw          0       0
> /dev/hda7               none            swap    sw          0       0
> /dev/hda8               none            swap    sw          0       0
> /dev/hda9               none            swap    sw          0       0
> /dev/hda10               none            swap    sw          0       0
> proc                /proc           proc    defaults    0       0
> I have tried to use kernel 2.1.126 but although I could  compile
> it I cannot get it working. I mean: Lilo cannot start,
> appears: LIL- and I have to reset and use rescue disk.
> However its configurations was  the same as
> for the kernel 2.0.36 which was compiled and is working successfully
> but the out of memory problem remains.
> ps aux prints:
> daemon     111  0.0  0.0   792     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (portmap)
> daemon     134  0.0  0.0   848    20  ?  S    11:42   0:00 (atd)
> krupa      148  0.0  0.2  1964  1268   3 S    11:42   0:00 -bash
> krupa      251  0.1  0.7  6100  3964   3 S    12:19   0:00 emacs swap1
> math       146  0.0  0.1  1936   712   1 S    11:42   0:00 -bash
> math       258  0.0  0.1   916   536   1 R    12:29   0:00 ps aux
> root         1  0.1  0.0   768    96  ?  S    11:42   0:03 init
> root         2  0.0  0.0     0     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (kflushd)
> root         3  0.4  0.0     0     0  ?  SW<  11:42   0:12 (kswapd)
> root         4  0.0  0.0     0     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (nfsiod)
> root         5  0.0  0.0     0     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (nfsiod)
> root         6  0.0  0.0     0     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (nfsiod)
> root         7  0.0  0.0     0     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (nfsiod)
> root        16  0.0  0.0   732    28  ?  S    11:42   0:00 update
> root        98  0.0  0.0   900   200  ?  S    11:42   0:00 /sbin/syslogd
> root       100  0.0  0.0   912    72  ?  S    11:42   0:00 (klogd)
> root       107  0.0  0.0   752    64  ?  S    11:42   0:00 /sbin/kerneld
> root       113  0.0  0.0   868    16  ?  S    11:42   0:00 (inetd)
> root       117  0.0  0.0   760   132  ?  S    11:42   
> 0:00 /usr/sbin/gpm -m /devroot       122  0.0  0.0   912    24  ?  S    
> 11:42   0:00 (lpd)
> root       137  0.0  0.0   860   172  ?  S    11:42   0:00 /usr/sbin/cron
> root       147  0.0  0.2  1948  1248   2 S    11:42   0:00 -bash
> root       149  0.0  0.0   844    44   4 S    11:42   0:00 (getty)
> root       150  0.0  0.0   844     8   5 S    11:42   0:00 (getty)
> root       151  0.0  0.0   844    12   6 S    11:42   0:00 (getty)
> I have read the following articel:
> http://www.linuxhq.com/doc20/memory-tuning.txt
> I had the following
> # cat /proc/sys/vm/freepages
> 1048    1572    2096
> I put 
> # echo "4192 8384 16764" > /proc/sys/vm/freepages
> and now have:
> # cat /proc/sys/vm/freepages
> 4192    8384    16764
> but it haven't helped.
> Still after consuming almost all RAM and
> about half of swap stops computing and prints message:
> out of memory.
> I am getting desperate, please help.
> Please send the answer to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> because the mailing list is too busy to me so I could miss the answer.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jan Krupa
> -- 
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