On Fri, 4 Dec 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:

> On Wed, 2 Dec 1998, George Bonser wrote:
> > modem or something ... no problem. Your concern is going to be with disk
> > space. If users leave their pop3 mail in the server, mail files can grow
> > quite large. This is particularly true at Christmastime here in the US
> > where Windows users have a fondness for sending emails with >50MB
> > movies attached of Santa and his deer dancing around.
> Sorry for the dig, but "Only in America"

Aaha.  There's where we Indians have caught up with the yanks.  In our
case, however, it earlier (Nov), when we have Deepawali.  .jpeg & .mpeg of
lamps shining doen the Ganges.  I enclose a mail sent by me every year to
staff in our office:

Subject: Happy Diwali to you, too
We are nearly at that time of the year when the urge to mail large files
with Season's Greetings, to friends and enemies, alike, strikes us.
Unfortunately, it strikes the mail servers in the middle the worst.

Sanjeev "Ghane" Gupta                   Tel: +91(11) 6941831, 6946619
Eurolink Systems Ltd                    Fax: +91(11) 6943732
New Delhi, India                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          Eurolink doesn't pay me to speak for it, so I don't
           Old age is not an accomplishment, nor youth a sin

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