I've tried connecting two different terminals to the serial port on my
hamm box.  One was an old pc with terminal emulator software, the other
is a genuine Digital VT100.  Both hang at the login prompt.

I ran 'getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100' most recently for the VT100.  I got
the login prompt, but when I typed my username, there was no response
on the screen.  I have also setup /etc/inittab to run getty and do get
the login prompt on the VT100 when the hamm box boots. 

When I did 'man getty' I got the man page for 'agetty'.  It indicated
that the '-L' switch should be used if the terminal hangs at the login
prompt.  I did 'find / -name "agetty*"' and no files were found.  I
looked up both getty and agetty in 'Linux in a Nutshell' and found
that '-L' only works for agetty and not getty.  I searched 
/stable/main/packages for 'agetty' and couldn't find it.

Q1:  Where can I find 'agetty'?
Q2:  Is it possible my manpage and executable are mis-matched?
Q3:  Is there something that I'm overlooking in trying to connect
     a serial terminal?



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