Just a guess but >man gpm yields


       Available command line options are the following:
      -r number
              Set the responsiveness. A higher responsiveness is used
                                for a faster cursor motion.

does that look like what you want?

"man is your friend"

        Subject: mouse speed in X
        Date: Fri, Dec 04, 1998 at 11:16:12PM +0100

In reply to:Daniel Elenius

Quoting Daniel Elenius([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Does anyone know how to change the BASIC mouse speed (not the
> acceleration) in X. The 'xset m' only changes the acceleration and
> threshold, but what I want is a faster non-accelerated mouse
> speed. I've tried 'xset m 4 1' which gives a good speed, but it makes
> the mouse 'jerky', since it moves the pointer 4 pixels at a time.
> Happy for any suggestions... 
> -- 
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Man is the best computer we can put aboard a spacecraft ... and the
only one that can be mass produced with unskilled labor.
                -- Wernher von Braun

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