On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, Thomas Adams wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 05, 1998 at 08:19:13PM +0400, Eugene Sevinian wrote:
> > April 1. The matter is that during dialing from minicom it performs kind
> > of maping. So 1->9, 2->8, 3->7...9->1, 0->0. The same is under Norton
> > Terminal Emulation. :)))
> Are you using pulse dialling? Somewhere I read that there are countries (I 
> think Scandinavian countries were mentioned) where numbers are represented 
> with an amount of pulses which differ from the usual amount of pulses for a 
> given number.
> Check your init string, maybe it switches your modem to such a weird mode of 
> operation. If it's just ATZ then I would do an AT&F&W and see if it works.

Yes, I am using pulse dialling. It was working correct while tone
dialing from another telephone company. However, using AT&F&W instead
of ATZ did not fixed the problem.

Thanks to all who have helped me to understand what kind of modem is it. 

Eugene Sevinian

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