<artlu> !find as86
<dpkg> artlu: behold, as86 is in this package: devel/bin86 (/usr/bin/as86)
i asked that on irc.debian.org #debian go there to find backages so what u do 
goto your favorite debian ftp site
and get the backage: bin86,


Graham Ashton wrote:

> I've just tried compiling 2.0.36 with SMP support on my brand new and
> I'm asking the question here as I think I'm missing an important system
> file, and was hoping somebody would be able to tell me which .deb it's in.
> "make menuconfig" and "make dep; make clean" work fine, but after a fair
> degree of success with "make zImage" I get;
> --
> gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.0.36/include -E -D__ELF__ -D__SMP__
> -traditional trampoline.S -o trampoline.s
> as86 -0 -a -o trampoline.o trampoline.s
> make[1]: as86: Command not found
> make[1]: *** [trampoline.o] Error 127
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.0.36/arch/i386/kernel'
> make: *** [linuxsubdirs] Error 2
> --
> It compiles cleanly without SMP support (i.e. with SMP=1 commented out in
> /usr/src/linux/Makefile).
> Thanks in advance.
> P.S. not really sure what I'm doing with dpkg yet, as I've just switched
> from using Red Hat (which may explain a few things).
> --
> Graham Ashton
> --
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