        "Person, Roderick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey All,

Just venting. 

Recently I check out the Linux apps wish list web page! I though that
it was
mighty funny that the software that most people want to see ported to
is made by the big nasty Microsoft clan. Personally, I hate M$ and was
to find Linux. If it wasn't for Linux I probably would have only used
my PC
for games, which is about the only thing I  WindBlows is go for (IMHO)!

It seems to me that most Linux user feel the same way. I always read
on the evil M$ or how bad Windblows is etc! So can someone tell me why
Hell everyone wants M$ apps ported to Linux - Doesn't that  defeat the
purpose!!! Well to me it does.

Just ranting.

Thanks Linus.........

my two cents:

Sometimes you have to give the devil his due.  While the operating
system arm of Microsoft is under attack (and rightly so) the company
does seem to have some good consumer products.  Especially the stuff
for kids, like Encarta, Magic School Bus, etc...  If Microsoft's
consumer (application) efforts competed on an equal footing with
everyone else (instead of having the unfair advantage of inside
knowledge and control of the platform) there would be a lot less bad
blood about Microsoft.

  If Microsoft ever did release Linux versions of some of its comsumer
Windows applications (they would then HAVE to compete on an equal
footing with everyone else because the platform is PUBLIC DOMAIN) the
question would be free (open source) vs non-free software based on
quality of the product and your own morals.  I personally would buy
commerical software that I found to meet my needs, at a price that was
fair knowing that it was being sold into a market place open to all
vendors without unfair practices.  I would prefer to use open source
software when I would need the ability to modify it for my own needs,
or to obtain support beyond the ability of the vender to supply
(without holding me for ransom).  

Now as for my wish list of aps to be ported to linux, If only Quicken
and TurboTax (or clones) were available my wife wouldn't need to use
windows. (she's also addicted to freecell but that runs fine under
wine). (GnuCash is not yet ready for prime time, and I know of no open
source tax preparation programs available for any current tax year
that I would trust....)

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