Thomas Adams wrote:
> i installed a hamm system (Scientific Workstation) and can't connect to it.
> Neither ping, telnet nor smtp or something else works. It's like there is
> no network installed. But it is, I, sitting at the computer, can connect to 
> any other machine, I can browse the web, send email or do other stuff that 
> sends
> something back to the machine. Can anybody tell me what's going on here?
> The hostname is Feel free to scan it or 
> whatever
> might lead to an answer.


I tried to connect (ping) your station and the router is
unable to find your machine (I think this is the router you would use to
connect to the internet.  This router is misconfigured, or configured to
not allow connections inside.  Talk to whoever configures the router. 
The message that I got (using window$) was:

Request timed out.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.

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