On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
> > Only problem now is that both the sites are full, 1000 user on
> > Download.com and 3600 on ftp.cdrom.  You may want to wait a few
> > hours (weeks) until the rush quitens down...
> > If anyone manages to get it I would be interested (along with a
> > number of other debian users) as to how good it is.
> I've got it, but I haven't figured out quite how to install it.  
> un-tgz'ing produces a handful of directories, a Readme, and a Runme.  
> The Readme says to untar and ungzip everything, then run the Runme
> The runme asks if you've untarred things, and decides there's nothign 
> new to do if you say yes.  If you say no, it untars, but still doesn't 
> do anything.  The executables end up in ./linux/bin
> I assume there's some option i'm missing to figure out to tell it to 
> use /usr/local or some such, but it beats me as to where . . .

I got it, installed it, and it's quite nice.  The installer wasn't exactly
intuitive, but everything went in without a hitch.  I downloaded it all in
one piece (the 23 meg bad boy), and untarred it.  I just ran the ./Runme
and said "yes" everything was untarred.  After that, the installation is
GUI based, and fairly simple.

If you use WP8 for windows, this is almost exactly the same.  I haven't
noticed any differences yet...


Peter D. Kovacs                 UIN: 241701
Operator, Perl Programmer, Computer Guy

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