On Thu, Dec 17, 1998 at 07:42:59PM +0000, Manuel Gutierrez Algaba wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Dec 1998, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
> > 
> > But it comes down to "GNU/Linux" being a political statement, and one 
> > that I disagree with.
> I don't like GNU either. They're unnecessary complex most of the
> times, and they're too worried about imposing their own standards to
> others. Scheme->Guile, Lisp ->elisp , Linux-> Hurd. And their 
> copyright notice is awful! But... I use emacs, and other nice GNUish
> software everyday :)). 


Neither "Scheme" nor "Lisp" is in any way standardized. Scheme is a
derivative of Lisp, and Lisp itself is splittered in dozens of dialects,
nearly every AI institute developing it's own version. There is no such
thing as "THE Lisp".

About your third example, the Hurd, let me only tell you that the Hurd was
started _before_ Linux appeared on the scene. Actually, the Hurd is _NOT_ a
succesor of Linux in any way, but an independent project. It is another
kernel, it's a microkernel.

Yes, GNU will continue to go beyond Unix, this is a design goal.

GNU programs are usually more portable than any Linux application I've seen.
Most people don't even worry about autoconf and automake, which are designed
to make it able to compile GNU software on about any plattform.

Get your facts right.

I can't stand it anymore. All the hypocrites who criticize RMS or FSF for
what they stand for, but use the programs anyway. You are free to use them
or not, but leave them alone if you don't like them. There is still Windows
98 for you.

"Show me the code or go out of my way."


"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann                   http://www.debian.org    master.debian.org
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