On Wed, Dec 16, 1998 at 04:19:01PM -0500, Ed Cogburn wrote:
> Joe Emenaker wrote:
> > 
> > > when I tried to remove KDE via dselect,
> > > it didn't remove a bunch of directories because they "weren't empty"
> > > or something....)
> > 
> > I make a motion that dpkg should maintain a log of all of the "orphan"
> > directories that it leaves behind because they're not empty so that we can
> > go in later and clean them out.... either that or have the option for some
> > interactivity where the 'remove' script would 'ls' the contents of the
> > directory and then get a yes/no on whether to purge it.
> > 
> > - Joe
> > 
>       I see this occasionally.  What's real weird is that at least half the
> time I see this 'error' the directory in question really *is* empty. 
> <cue Twilight Zone music>

This is a known bug in dpkg. It does first try to remove the directory, then
it removes the conffiles at a later stage. But at this time no information
about the directories are left. dpkg just doesn't know what to do with them.


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