On Mon, 21 Dec 1998, Tey, Chui CG wrote:

> Hi,
> I am relative new to Debian, (1+ weeks).  I tried to locate an XConfig
> package from the ftp server at ftp.debian.org.   Unfortunately there wasn't.
> There was XSetup that came with XServer_VGA16 pacakge, but I believe you
> require X running already (please correct me if I am wrong!).  Please
> suggest how I could configure my XServer.

Ok, just download the x-base and xserver packages that fit your video
card, and other dependencies.
Then, login as root ( still in consile mode, you can not run X without
configuring it first) and type xf86config
THis will run a config program that will let you configure video
card/monitor/keyboard/mouse for X.

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