> Windows
> -------
> *) Complete ease of use - a GUI even an utter luser can understand.

True. However, Linux was NEVER meant to be an utter luser toy.

> *) Plenty of support for developers at MSDN - with plenty of free
> downloads of SDKs.

Tell me you arent getting support here?
I've installed my Deb. from scratch, not knowing much about how to do it.
And I've gotten an answer to my every question here.

> *) Piss easy installations.

Again, read part a. It's not a toy for an idiot.

> *) GAMES - is there a single good game on linux apart from ports of Quake?

Hrm, no arguement there. Lucky you to have a lot of time to play games.

> *) Oh look, is that *another* cover cd with free demos and software? Guess
> I won't be spending ages downloading like I would with linux then...

There are free cd's with shareware programs for *nix. Just have to be at
the right place at the right time.

> Linux
> -----
> *) Astronomical phone bills after downloading new software.

I guess I am one of the few lucky people not to have a minute-by-minute
ISP bill.

> *) CDs from CheapBytes may be cheap - but they're not free and they get
> out of date very quickly.

Cheaper than a CD from Microsoft?

> *) Basic installation is easy - but from then on installing new software
> is not what I'd call easy.

Once again....not a toy for an idiot.

> *) Great community of people ready to help - but should I need help?

Unless you know Linux in and out, yes.

> *) Not a single good game in sight :(

That is arguable. Define 'good game'.

I enjoy playing Mahjong, when I have time. Call me an idiot.
I like Doom. WHich is perfectly playable on Linux.

> Please help, I really don't want to give up something that is apparently
> so good - but I can't see why it is good for a home user...

The answer to this is another question: " What do you want to do with your
If you want to play games and check your email......hell, stick with
Windows. Personally, I switched to Linux for few reasons:
1. I got tired of looking at blue screen with words: "Fatal exception
occured at module xxx etc etc etc. Please restart your computer."
Ever since I installed Deb. I've havent had any trouble like that.

2. I use 486DX4, 16M Ram, which means that MSWord or any other peogram of
that type will slow my computer down so much that I will not be able to
use anything.
Yes, Netscape in Linux is one bloated piece of software. But my computer
is working faster with it, than in Windows. And Xemacs pretty much
replaces me MSWord without eating away all memory and CPU.

3. I wanted to learn. I'm a CS student, so I will deal with this all my
life. And the better I know *nix now, then easier it will be for me later.

Hope this helps...

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code.     | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't      | ICQ: 12402354
need you.                              |

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