On Sat, 19 Dec 1998, Chris Frost wrote:

:I'd like to start learning C (I know a bit of latex and enough
:basic/newtonscript to do simple math stuff, but that's about it) and was
:wondering what a good book would be to serve as in intro to programming c
:on linux (and as an intro to programming in general).

I can't quite understand why the Kernighan/Ritchie book would be
recommended to a total beginner, but I liked Practical C programming from
O'reilly...it's a good intro, IMO, despite its title :) For C++ I use C++
Nuts and Bolts for Experienced Programmer from Osborne (I'm not sure why
he calls it for experienced programmers, because he goes through
everything, perhaps at slightly faster pace though).
Good luck :)

If you can't convince them, confuse them.
                --Harry S. Truman

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