
        I have a HP Deskjet 890C that I'm trying to get to work.  I
upgraded my Ghostscript to 5.10 (stable/non-free) to get the hpdj driver.
Then I created a new magicfilter by copying the dj500-filter, and changing
the PS and PDF filter lines to include the 890C options from the hpdj
driver (-sDEVICE=hpdj -r600 -sColorMode=mono -sMediaType=2 -sModel=850C
-sPrintQuality=0).  Finally, I connected this new filter to the
/etc/printcap using magicfilterconfig (including the spool directories and
all of that).

        When I do:
$ echo "Hello" | lpr

It works just fine (prints out Hello, spits out the page).  But when I go
into Ghostview and try to print a postscript file, the print job simply
disappears and there is no evidence it went anywhere (no errors, lpq says
nothing is queued, the printer lights don't change, etc.).  The same thing
happens whether I do this as root or a regular user.

        Can someone please help?  I can't think of anything else to try to
get PS files to print.  Thanks much!


 Christopher S. Swingley
 Department of Biology and Wildlife
 University of Alaska Fairbanks

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