Try this: execute (as root) "/etc/init.d/xfstt  start".  This works
for me.  I've been too lazy to seek a fix for this since I so
seldom reboot.

Curt Daugaard

On Fri, Dec 25, 1998 at 03:25:17PM -0600, John wrote:
> Merry Christmas All!
> After reading several recent postings, I decided to try installing some
> true type fonts using xfstt. I did the following:
> 1. copied some ".ttf" fonts from my windows95 disk to /var/ttfonts  
> 2. ran "xfstt --sync"
> 3. edited "XF86Config" by adding FontPath "unix/:7101" as the next line
> in the area of XF86Config that has all the FontPath directories listed.
> 4. quit xwindows (fvwm95)
> 5. ran startx - it failed with the following error
> _FontTransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
> failed to set default font path ' <listed all the font paths including 
> unix/:7101>
> fatal server error:
> could not open default font "fixed"
> etc,etc
> I then tried the command xset +fp "unix/:7101 - it failed with the
> following:
> xset: bad font path element (#38), possible causes are:
> Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
> Directory missing fonts.dir
> Incorrect font server address or syntax.
> My main confusion is about the line "unix/:7101". Every other entry for
> fonts is a path and starts with "/" this one doesn't. Is it a path or
> somthing I'm not familiar with? also which "fonts.dir" is it searching
> for? I have several on my system, but none called either "unix" or
> "7101" 
> Have I missed something obvious? I'm running hamm if that makes a
> difference.
> Thanks for any hints.
> John
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