On Fri, Jan 01, 1999 at 04:11:04PM +0000, Alexander Koch wrote:

> - Warning: Unknown PCI device (104c:3d07).

This is probably no problem - you just have a pci device which is not known to
your ancient kernel. No problem.

> - Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI card.

This is no problem either as long as you do not own such a scsi controller.

> - PPA: unable to initialize controller at 0x378, eror 2.

Hopefully you not not own such a crap too - the ppa driver is for a parallel
zip drive.

> The error messages upon partitioning/initialization:
> When I try to add the new partitions to the begin of the empty space, cfdisk
> 0.8i labels the remainder "unusable", after I add the two primary partitions
> (/ and swap). 

This does not surprise me but you left out your layout on the disk. I guess
you have a primary partition at the start of the disk and a an extended
partition behind with all logical partitions?

This way you used 2 partition slots in the master boot record of the disk. If
you add 2 primary partitions you need 2 other slots and another one for the
logical partitions. 


The swap partition does not need to be a primary one. Just use a logical
partition for it.

> When I try to add the new partitions to the end of the unused space, or all of
> them as logical partitions, cfdisk installs all of them. But as soon as I try
> to initialize the new partitions, the system fails to work properly when I
> arrive at /dev/sda16 ("is the entire device, not just one partition").

This might indicate a problem with kernel 2.0.29 - I am not sure if it can
address more than 16 partitions per disk.

> Initializing the partitions in the reversed order yields: "Could not stat
> /dev/sda18 - no such file or directory" although cfdisk shows the correct
> entry in the partition table.

This is easy. mke2fs is right - there is probably no /dev/sda18. Just create
it yourself:

mknod /dev/sda16 b 8 16
mknod /dev/sda17 b 8 17
mknod /dev/sda18 b 8 18

And to get the permissions right:

chown root.disk /dev/sda*
chmod 660 /dev/sda*

> What can I do to work around that problem?

Try the commands I typed above. You can get a shell (command prompt) with
Alt-F2 (Alt-F3?) during the installation. If mknod is not found (or
chown/chmod) do the following:

- format the partitions as far as it works
- install the base system
- use the shell to issue the commands above. You might need to prepend the
  path of the installed files of the base system, e.g.
  /mnt/bin/mknod, /mnt/bin/chown, /mnt/bin/chmod

> My system:
> OS:
> - DOS/Win3.1
> - OS/2 Warp 4 (dual boot)
> - hopefully soon Debian Linux 1.3.1 (Linux kernel 2.0.29) 

Why don't you try Debian 2.0? 1.3.1 is really ancient now.

> Drives:
> - Maxtor 72004 (2 GB, EIDE)
> - IBM DGHS09  (9.1 GB UW-SCSI)
> - Plextor PX-6XCS 2.05 (CD-ROM, SCSI)

Don't boast to much :)

> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Best wishes and  Happy New Year to all Linux experts out there!
> Martin Guttenberger

If only all aol users would send such good emails :)


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