Stephan Witoszynskyj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I' would like to keep my system uptodate using dselect with ftp as
> installation source. The problem is that I have to use a Socks proxy. Is
> there a socksified version of dpkg-ftp? Or can anyone tell me on how to
> socksify dpkg-ftp?

The socks4-clients package in unstable includes a "runsocks" script
that lets you socksify most programs automatically, "runsocks dselect
update" and "runsocks apt-get install lynx" for example.

This is what I use at work with our SOCKS firewall.

         Carey Evans

                  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

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