On Sun, Jan 03, 1999 at 05:35:55PM +0100, Andrea Novara wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm experiencing problems configuring my new awe 64 value ISA PnP card!
> The card get correctly initialized by isapnp ( 0x220, 0x330, 0x388, irq5,
> dma 1 and 5 - same values as Windog ) The Kernel see the card as a SB16
> standard and I'm able to reproduce wav, au, to mix channels and record!
> The problem is the MIDI system. I've installed the awe32 patch on a 2.0.35
> kernel. make xconfig, dep, clean, zImage, modules and modules_install
> configured lilo ad reinstalled it!
> I have a recursive line:
> Jan  3 04:28:50 gromit kernel: AWE32: not detected
> in /var/log/messages.
> Also sfxtest show me a analogue message!
> Why?
Do You added the soundmodule in the
file ?


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