This sounds like an X windows security problem.  If you login
and run X as one user, then open an Xterm and su to another
user, that second user cannot run any graphical applications in
X for security reasons.

So if you loged in and ran X as your normal user account (as you
should) then did su to change to root account to install Word
Perfect (as your are told to do) then you have a permision

You can overide the security of X by using a command called
xhost.  If you type:

xhost +

then any user from anywhere in the universe is allowed to run
graphical applications on your X windows, this can be fun (and
also very dangerous if you dont have any other security measures
and are connected to the internet).

A slightly safer solution is to use the following command:

xhost +yourcomputername

this will allow anyone who is logged on to your computer to run
graphical applications.

Login as normal user and run X
Use the xhost command
Change to root
Run the WordPerfect install
Pray !!!

Hope this helps.

"James R. Lunsford" wrote:
> Hello all.  I installed Wordperfect 8 into  /usr/local/wp8 and there's
> no xwp file to be found anywhere on my system.  The only thing that was
> really out of the ordinary in my installation was that it didn't run
> under X.  I got some kind of error message and it ran in an xterm
> window.  Anyone have any clues as to why I can't run wordperfect on my
> system?  I saw a message about placing DISPLAY=":0.0" into my profile or
> one of the bash files to eliminate some problems, but I don't know if
> that will help.

John Stevenson, Objective Alliance:
"Its grip'd, its sorted.."

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