If you downloaded the file using netscape then it may already have
been run through gunzip!  Check the size of the file!  I have seen
this behavior from netscape, where it detects the file type, and saves
it using gunzip as a filter!  Sometimes though it keeps the file name
the same.  Try renaming the file to WP8.tar and then run it though tar.
       "Brant Wells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy Y'all

I just downloaded the WordPerfect 8 GZ file from the Corel Ftp site...
I downloaded the single part version (I saved the file as WordP8.gz)

When I go to unzip it (using gzip -d), I get an error saying that the 
file is not a GZipped file...I downloaded it with Netscape 4.5 (which 
thank God installed flawlessly...)  

What should I do?


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