Evan Van Dyke wrote:
> First:  How do I dock the appicon that wp8 shows under WindowMaker?
> Just dragging it to
> the Docked section doesn't work.  :<

Well, dragging the appicon to the dock or clipboard does work
for me, under slink (wmaker 0.20.3-1)... Here's what doing so 
puts in my ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMState:

       Command = " /home/dcoe/Wordperfect/WP8/wpbin/xwp";
       Name = xwp.XWp;
       AutoLaunch = No;
       Forced = No;
       BuggyApplication = No;
       Position = "-1,1";
       DropCommand = " /home/dcoe/Wordperfect/WP8/wpbin/xwp %d";

and in my ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMWindowAttributes:

     xwp.XWp = {Icon = "/home/dcoe/GNUstep/.AppInfo/WindowMaker/xwp.XWp.xpm";};

... maybe you can edit the above to match your specifics and try
inserting them manually.

> Second:  Is there an easy way to get a mailing list set up?  I've done
> it using aliases,
>  under sendmail but if you do it that way, replying to the message goes
> to the sender,
> not the list.  Or is there a way to fix that?

majordomo and mailman are debian packages that do mailing lists well;
there may be others but I haven't used them.  Majordomo is much
older and probably more solid, and is written in perl; mailman is
more modern, web-based, and written in python.  I switched from
majordomo to mailman because i'm more comfortable with python
than perl, but that's just me; you could try them both and make
your own decision (and, as I said, there may be others as well).

Redland Hunt Pony Club, Maryland

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