On  6 Jan, Brant Wells wrote:
> Howdy Y'all
> My WP8 installed correctly, but I am unable to execute it for some 
> reason... If I start an X-Term session, I get a command not found 
> error... :(
> It doesn't matter who I log in as, it won't run, even if I go to the 
> folder that it is installed in...
> For reference, I am running the Bash shell prompt (default?)..
> Thanks again... 
> Brant.
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The default path doesn't include the current directory: just /usr/bin,
/usr/X11R6/bin, /bin, and /usr/local/bin. cd to the directory with xwp,
then type ./xwp to run Wordperfect 8.Anyone been successful at putting
it in /usr/local instead of a directory off of the home directory. I
heard some ppl were having problems with that on /.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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