
> On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 01:58:11AM +0200, shaul wrote:
> > > I have found that there is much more packages available for
> > > debian than there are for Red Hat
> > 
> > Isn't it odd ? Given that there are much more RH users then Debian users 
> > (3:1 
> > ratio ?), how can it be ? Are there more programmers who use Debian then 
> > those 
> > who use RH ? Are all of this packages constantly maintained by both a 
> > Debian 
> > developer and an upstream one ?
> > 
> Probably has something to do with the open development architecture of 
> Debian. 100+ 
> debian developers outnumber the redhat 'core' developers. 

i think the reason is the advertisement of redhat, i´ve never heard about
debian until a fellow student points out (thanks rainer :-) that there other 
than redhat, suse or dld (german). - And i´m very satisfied with Debian (i´m
a hobbyist ;-)

until next mail ;)

      :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:
      :       student of technical computer science        :
      :  university of applied sciences krefeld (germany)  :

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