> It sounds to me like the original DOS/Win disk may have had a drive overlay
> on it. You know, that software that allowed older BIOSes to see hard drives
> larger than 540MB. If so, then LILO clobbered the overlay. If this is the
> case, you should have an Overlay Boot/Install floppy that can recover your
> drive.
> Also, if this is the case, I think you'll have a lot of trouble trying to
> get Linux and the overlay to work together. It'd be better if you could
> live without the overlay (which probably means updating your BIOS and
> saving/wiping/restoring the DOS/Win drive).
> If it's not an overlay problem, I don't have a clue.

Wouldnt it be the problem only when he was trying to boot to an OS that is
located beyong 1024th cylinder?
He's got 2 drives, on primary and secondary IDE's. And drive 1, /dev/hda,
holds Windows, and /dev/hdb, drive 2, holds Linux...

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