
Martin Schulze ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),
"Re: NT and Debian...O.S. loader 4.01 sux!":

> > what up!
> >  scenario: i had Linux on my laptop running efficiently well...however, i 
> > just
> > installed NT4.0 without preparing LiLo for the image of NT...now, my laptop
> > will only boot to NT (o.s. loader 4.01 takes over) and I dont know of any 
> > way
> > to get back into Linux
> >  Specs: my hard drive is split up to where there is an NTFS partition and an
> > ext. partition in which the Linux swap and native are stored. 

If you installed LILO into the beginning of your root partition (default for
debian), you need to move the active/bootable flag back to your
root-partition. Check Diskmanager wether it can do this - or use a plain
DOS-fdisk. Of course you can uuse linux' fdisk, too. 

If LILO used to reside in the MBR, you need to boot from a rescue disc and
reinstall LILO.

You may want to check some of those linux+winnt-HOWTOs for more details.


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