On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Oliver Elphick wrote:

> I can't comment on why you're getting EST instead of CST, but 21600 is
> surely correct for a 6 hour difference from UTC.
> -- 
> Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
>                PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
>                  ========================================
>      "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed 
>       lest he fall."            I Corinthians 10:12 
> -- 
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You're right, I don't know why I was counting minutes instead of seconds.
The real problem is, of course, the EST.

| pretzelgod                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| (Eric Gillespie, Jr.)      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |
| "That's the problem with going from a soldier to a       |
|  politician: you actually have to sit down and listen to |
|  people who six months ago you would've just shot."      |
|  --President John Sheridan, Babylon 5                    |

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