Brant Wells writes:
> Howdy all...
> I've got samba set up to where I can print to a shared printer... But 
> the files have to be text files, and I have to do it manually from the 
> smb:> prompt.... :(
> WP8 will go through the motions, but will not print to the printer...
> I created a script for this, /usr/bin/netprint  it looks like this:
> *****************************
> #!/bin/sh
> smbclient \\\\dahouse\\hpdeskje -U BW07442 -P -c 'print'
> *****************************
> My /etc/printcap file looks like this:
> *****************************
> lp1?Deskjet:\         
>         :lp=/dev/null:\         
>         :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp:\         
>         :if=/usr/bin/netprint:\  
>         :df=/etc/\        

Did you edit /etc/ and insure the PCL conversion is enabled?

>          :tf=/etc/filter.pcl:\         
>         :af=/var/log/lp-acct:\         
>         :lf=/var/log/lp-errs:\         
>         :pl#66:\ 
>         :pw#80:\         
>         :pc#150:\         
>         :mx#0:\         
>         :sh:
> Anyone see anything wrong??
> Thanks a plenty,
> Brant
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