On Thu, Jan 14, 1999 at 04:36:10PM -0400, Timothy Hospedales wrote:

 : How should I add a "real" user to my wu-ftpd server? 

Make sure you have a class containing 'real' in your /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess
file. Now everyone who has a valid login shell (that is, their shell
according to /etc/passwd is listed in /etc/shells) has access to your
ftp-site, using their normal login and password.

 : I suppose I could just copy my /etc/passwd to the ~ftp/etc/passwd, but is
 : this secure? And will I have to do it again everytime I add a new real
 : user?  I can't hardlink to /etc/passwd because /home/ftp is on its own
 : partition...? I haven't seen much about this in the relevant manpages and
 : wuftpd FAQ. "adduser" and "addftpuser" scripts don't seem to be much help
 : either.

You can use the ~ftp/etc/passwd to have it contain some uids and usernames,
without passwords, to make the uids shown correctly when someone does a 'ls
-l' on your ftp-site, when logged in anonymously.


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