On Thu, Jan 14, 1999 at 06:20:56PM -0600, Ossama Othman wrote:
> Hi,
> My Debian 2.1 (unstable) system detected a dozen or so port scans, via the
> Debianized courtney package, coming from an older RedHat system that had
> the NFS server bug.  The RedHat system in question was able to determine
> that ps and top were trojaned by using rpm to verify the ps and top md5
> checksums.  Does Debian have any such verification mechanism for 
> individual files (i.e. not the entire deb)?  It seems like it would be a
> useful feature to have available.
> -Ossama
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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In /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.md5, an md5 sum exists for each file in the 
package. It should be trivial to write a script that verifies the md5s. There 
is probably one already out there. Anyone care to comment?
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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