Jerney wrote:
> Call me a silly fool, but I cannot but wonder would it be possible
> to make a pkg mgmt program (drpm :-)) that would install RPM
> packages from their native format and put the installed files' and
> dependencies info in the deb database?
> Any dpkg developers willing to comment the idea?

I am no dpkg developper, but I'll bite anyway.  The program exists and
is not called drpm, but alien.  The problems are not in reading the
package and it's dependency information, the problem is in the organisation
of the programs into packages.  For example (just an example, I don't
know if it is true), RedHat could have a package x11-clients_3.3.2.rpm,
and debian a package xbase_3.2-1.deb.  Say both contain `xterm'.  Now if
a third package needs `xterm', it will depend on x11-clients in RedHat,
and on xbase in debian.  If this is an rpm package, alien will spot that
it depends on x11-clients, but this information is near useless, since
this package does not exist in debian.  Something else that can go wrong
is file placement.  One distibution might put xterm in /usr/bin,
another one could choose /opt/x11/bin.  Programs that depend on a
certain full pathname can break because of this.  Then there may be
differences in configuration files.

Note that the problems I described are not due to differences in the
package format at all.  They can arise between Caldera and RedHat as
well, although they both use rpm.  The fact that there is only one
distribution currently using .debs actually protects you from this kind
of trouble.

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology             | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax    +31 40 2455054

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