On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Mike Archer wrote:
> ...them in a directory called C:\Linux. I ran the install.bat and went
>through the first few steps of the install, Keyboard setup,etc. Then
>partitioned the second(814MB) physical drive in my harddrive like this:
>/dev/hdb1 type 83 Linux Swap 96MB  Logical
>/dev/hdb5 type 82 Linux      718MB Primary   boot
>my first question is: is this correct?

Don't know too much about this, but it seems odd to jump from hdb1 to
hdb5 with no 2,3,4 in between.  However, if it is working so far, it's
probably OK.  You should consider breaking things up into more
partitions though.  It is not necessary, but it is nice to have a few.
My basic setup is: root, swap, usr, and home.  This is nice in the event
of crashes - not everything gets roasted - but the really nice thing is
when upgrade time comes - you can wipe root and usr, but preserve home.

It's not necessary, but you should consider it.

>Initialization, Mounting, seem to work fine.
so you have mounted your windows partition? Are you sure? Where is it
mounted to?

>When I get to the step Install Kernel and Modules, I can't find the
>original Win95 harddrive with the Linux files on it to continue. Do I
>need to make a DOS partition on the 814MB harddrive and copy the
>C:\Linux directory to that? or do I need to make the 814MB hard the
>master disk? 

you shouldn't have to do either of these.  Linux doesn't really care
what drive it's on, and it can read windows partitions.

>I guess the overall question I have is, Is it possible to add a drive
>to an existing Win95 system and install Linux on the new drive without
>erasing the Win95 drive? I would like to setup a dual boot - LILO
>right? I've read all the other messages on that as well, and it
>doesn't seem too hard, once i get the rest set up.

Yes, it is most definitely possible.  I did not do it the way you did,
but if all else fails you can do it my way: remove the windows disk, put
the .8Gb disk in as master, install from CD. Then put both disks back in
(windows disk as master) and boot from the rescue disk (sounds daunting,
but it's easy) and run lilo with appropriate config file.

The only down side of this method is that you'll probably need to remove
the drives to change the jumpers.  I can give you more details on this
method if what you are trying doesn't pan out.


  Michael Stenner                       Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

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