
> On 19-Jan-99, Peter Bartosch took time to write :
> >> bogomips should only depend on hardware no ?
> > 
> > only on cpu (and clock)
> that's what i thought too, but it doesn't seem true in my case
> as with exactly the same hardware and no change in bios
> i have
> 700 bogomips with kernel 2.2.0pre7
> and 350bogomips with kernel 2.0.36 compiled either as 586 or as 686
> they are all compiled with same options (as much as possible)

i've read somewhere, that this lies on the size of the cpu's cache (1st
level) this is IIRC in K6-chips twice as big as in pentiums, but if i think
over it this couldn't be true/realistic

until next mail B-)

   :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:
   :          student of technical computer science           :
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