On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Patrick Colbeck wrote:

> I want to install Gnome on Slink but don't want to scatter new versions of
> the libraries (eg gtk) arround anywhere. Does anyone know if you can compile
> it like KDE where it looks for all libraries relative to a partciular
> install path (eg /usr/local/gnome) so the apps that come with Slink can
> continue using the old libraries. Also this would be usefull for cleanup if
> when the next release is out (rm -Rf /usr/local/gnome).

Gnome uses GNU configure,  I think.  So when you untar a package,  one of
the first things the installation will tellyou to do is "run ./configure"
-- you can just run "./configure --prefix==/usr/local/gnome" to make
everything end up in /usr/local/gnome.


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