> olleh<
> i am trying to configure Lilo to give me a choice between booting NT,win98,
> and Linux...first, how do i determine what partition the MS O.S.'s (i.e.
> hda2,3, etc...) reside on...once i have determined where they dwell, should i
> use the following syntax in lilo.conf to give me the choice between O.S.'s?

If you want to make a choice between WinNT/98, why do you boot into dos in
the example below?
But yes, the syntax is correct.
Just make sure you include all the 
messages that come right in the beginning of lilo.conf

And to see where your partitions are, either break out the
windows startup disk and do
fdisk c: or fdisk d: or whatever
Or do it in linux 
fdisk /dev/hda
fdisk /dev/hdb etc.
cfdisk /dev/hda
And so on.

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