
Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 07:41:56PM +0100, Daniel González Gasull wrote:
> > I have a potato i486 DX2 66 MHz with 8 MB RAM running
> > X with Linux Debian 2.0.  Which desktop manager for X
> > Window may/must I use?
> You mean "desktop environment", or window manager?


> A window manager is the thing that puts borders and
> titles on your windows and lets you move them
> around, resize them, iconify them, etc.  Most (all?)
> also have pop-up menus that can be used to launch
> other applications if properly configured.
> A desktop environment is much more complicated thing
> with a really blue-sky definition.  It does nifty
> things like let you drag and drop between different
> applications and more complcated stuff.  KDE and
> GNOME are two prominent examples.  You may not get
> satisfying performance out of either of them on an
> old 486.  But I really can't say since I don't use
> either one.

Thanx 8-)

> fvwm and fvwm2 are a couple of very popular
> alternatives based on twm, but are more featureful.
> fvwm (version 1) was designed to not hog too many
> system resources.  I used it happily for a couple of
> years; I now use fvwm2.

I use fvwm.  I'll try fvwm2.

Andreas Sliwka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just take a window manager with a (very)small memory
> footprint, mw2, blackbox, or icewm

Ok.  Thanx.

Steve Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>     I'll throw in my suggestion for icewm.  It looks
> much nicer than twm, isn't too configurable, but is
> nice and small.  Mind you, this is the gnome version
> and I think the normal one would be smaller.

Thank you very much :-)

C U L8R.

Daniel González Gasull       __|_|__    "Un sólo muerto es
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         (o o)     ya demasiado."
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