
"J.T. Wenting" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I believe you are allowed to use the US version yourself if you live in
> Canada, but any users who log in from outside the US or Canada will not be
> allowed to do so. I think that in your case it would be best to use the
> international version (www.pgpi.com).

> > From: Shane Wegner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> > I live in Canada and I am wondering what version
> > of PGP I should use.

Now you know you can use the international version,
let me say that you can choose between:

        a) PGP 2 i
        b) PGP 5 i
        b) GNU Privacy Guard

PGP 2 i only works with RSA PGP keys.

PGP 5 i works with RSA and also with new
DSS/Diffie-Helman keys.  But the command line sintax
is different.

GNU Privacy Guard (GPG or GnuPG) works with DSS/ElGamal keys. 
But there is a patch to make it works also with RSA
and DSS/Diffie-Helman keys.  It cannot generate these
keys, but can work with them.

I'm still using PGP 2.6.3in, a modified version PGP
2.6.3i.  I'm gonna switch to GNU Privacy Guard.  Now I
have no time.  I think it's the best solution.  You
can get it from http://www.d.shuttle.de/isil/gnupg .

BTW, if you're looking 4 a good mailer that supports
PGP 2, PGP 5 or GnuPG, try Mutt (http://www.mutt.org).

C U L8R.

Daniel González Gasull       __|_|__    "Un sólo muerto es
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         (o o)     ya demasiado."
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69     ( - )     -- Nelson Mandela
                             (  .  )    
                            (   .   )   
> Hi!  I'm Signature Virus 99!  Copy me into your signature and join the fun!

Attachment: pgpbyWf7Copbh.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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