Hi Daniel!  (Also my name :-)).

Daniel Mashao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would like to drop pine to move to mutt but my
> main problem is that mutt does not seem to have a
> folder listing like pine. I like the folder listing
> as it allows me to move through all my folders and
> see if they have new messages.
> I don't like pine anymore. It gives me bad feeling
> that they have hidden messages in all my folders.

I'm an ex Pine user.  Now I am a happy Mutt user.  I
have developed a Pine-muttrc better that the one that
comes with Mutt.  You can use it without learning the
new keystrokes.  Then you will see the list of folders
with 'l'.

Pine-muttrc is gzip and attached to this message.

C U L8R.

Daniel González Gasull       __|_|__    "Un sólo muerto es
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         (o o)     ya demasiado."
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69     ( - )     -- Nelson Mandela
                             (  .  )    
                            (   .   )   
> Hi!  I'm Signature Virus 99!  Copy me into your signature and join the fun!

## Pine-muttrc v1.1
## Feedback is welcome.
## Daniel González Gasull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
## This file contains commands to change the keybindings in Mutt to be
## similar to those of PINE 3.96.

## ========================================================================
## BIND - bind commands to keys.
## ========================================================================
## Syntax unto version 0.60: bind <key> <function-name> <menu-name>
## Syntax From version 0.61: bind <menu-name> <key> <function-name>
## Values for <menu-name>:
## attach, folder-menu, alias-menu; index; pager.
## Special values for <key>:  pageup, pagedown, up, down, left, right
## Description: MUTT allows you to bind a command to keys.
## For more info see page
## http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/mutt.manual.html#bind or
## http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~me/mutt/bind.html .
## There are some keystrokes that I am used with other programs:

bind  alias ' ' next-page
bind  alias - previous-page
bind  alias . enter-command
bind  alias : tag-entry
bind  alias n next-entry
bind  alias p previous-entry
bind  alias w search
bind  alias x tag-entry

bind  browser ' ' next-page
bind  browser - previous-page
bind  browser . enter-command
macro browser c "qc"    # Compose a message
bind  browser g select-new
bind  browser i exit
bind  browser n next-entry
bind  browser p previous-entry

bind  index $ sort-mailbox
bind  index ' ' next-page
bind  index * set-flag
bind  index + clear-flag
bind  index , tag-subthread
bind  index - previous-page
bind  index . enter-command
bind  index : tag-entry
bind  index <down> next-entry
bind  index <up> previous-entry
bind  index L limit     # Not possible to simulate zoom-out...
bind  index N next-unread
bind  index R group-reply
macro index W "w\Cu~B " # Search in the whole content of any message
bind  index \; tag-pattern
bind  index \Cr list-reply      # Because 'l' is for GotoFldr
bind  index a tag-prefix
bind  index c mail
bind  index d delete-message
bind  index g change-folder
macro index j "1<backspace>"    # like Jump in Pine
macro index l "g?"              # like GotoFldr in Pine
bind  index n next-entry
bind  index p previous-entry
bind  index t create-alias
bind  index u undelete-message
bind  index v display-message
bind  index w search
bind  index x sync-mailbox
bind  index y print-message

bind  attach . enter-command
bind  attach : tag-entry
bind  attach R group-reply
bind  attach \Cr list-reply     # Because 'l' is for GotoFldr
bind  attach a tag-prefix
macro attach c "qic"
macro attach g "qg"

bind  pager ' ' next-page
macro pager * "i*"
macro pager + "i+"
macro pager , "i,v"
bind  pager . enter-command
bind  pager : tag-message
bind  pager <down> next-line
bind  pager <up> previous-line
bind  pager N next-unread
bind  pager Q exit
bind  pager R group-reply
macro pager W "iW"      # Search in the whole content of any message
macro pager \; "i;"
bind  pager \Cr list-reply      # Because 'l' is for GotoFldr
macro pager a "ia"
macro pager b "Qb"
macro pager c "Qc"              # like Pine
bind  pager d delete-message
bind  pager g change-folder
macro pager j "1<backspace>"    # like Jump in Pine
macro pager l "g?"              # like GotoFdlr in Pine
bind  pager n next-entry
bind  pager p previous-entry
bind  pager q quit
bind  pager t create-alias
bind  pager u undelete-message
bind  pager w search
bind  pager y print-message

bind  compose . enter-command
bind  compose : tag-entry
bind  compose D edit-description
bind  compose \Cj attach-file
bind  compose \Co postpone-message
bind  compose \Cr edit-headers
bind  compose \Cx send-message
bind  compose a tag-prefix
bind  compose d detach-file
bind  compose e edit-file

### PINE has different defaults for this variables:

# set   copy=yes                # always save a copy of outgoing messages
# set   editor="pico"
##  set editor="jpico"          # Better.  It comes with the program Joe.
##  set editor="jpico -asis -force -marking -pg 1 -rmargin 72 -wordwrap"
  set   folder=~/mail
  set   index_format="%Z %3C %{%b %d} %-19.19L (%5c) %s"
  set   postponed=+postponed-msgs
  set   record=+sent-mail
  set nosave_name
  set nostatus_on_top

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