
Alec Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Netscape is about your only choice, other than Lynx.


"M.C. Vernon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Try gzilla, or mosaic, both of which are development
> software.

I've tried gzilla.  It isn't very good :-/

Andrew Martin Adrian Cater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If Netscape is too big: you could try one or more of
>       Mosaic
>       Arena
>       Chimera
>       Amaya
> Amaya is possibly your best hope for HTML 4.0.  Java
> is probably not possible.

Chimera is a very bad browser.  I've tried it.

Amaya is good for editing web pages, but not for
surfing the Web.  Some pages do not look correctly.

I haven't tried Mosaic.  If it's also experimental I
don't like to test it.


> FYI - Your message did come through the first time,
> I remember seeing it.


> However, what you're looking for isn't in existence,
> with the exception of Netscape.  Arena is another
> good browser, but I don't know if it supports Java
> or not, in fact, I'm pretty sure it doesn't.  Also,
> I don't believe it's up to HTML 4.0 yet.

Nope.  It has HTML 3.0.

> However, I hear this is what the W3 consortium uses,
> so you can bet it's stable and effective.

Nope.  W3C used it.  Now W3C uses Amaya.

> In fact, it's my browser of choice.

I've tried it.  It'd be good if it had HTML 4.0.  HTML
3.0 is old now.

Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think you ask too much; you need netscape to get
> HTML 4 and Java. If you can't have netscape, then
> you can't have HTML 4 and Java, simple!
> Netscape 3 perhaps?

Ok.  I think Netscape 3 have HTML 3.2, and it is
probably faster than Arena.

Where can I download it?

I get confused with the names of Netscape .deb
packages.  There are mozilla, netscape, etc.

I've downloaded netscape3_3.04-4.deb from a ftpsearch. 
But when I install it I get (among other messages):

---begin quoted text---
Unpacking netscape3 (from netscape3_3.04-4.deb) ...
- This release is for a different version of netscape than the one installed.
  Please 'dpkg --purge netscape netscape3' and reinstall this package.
  You will need the original 3.04 source archive from Netscape to do
  this.  Place the source archive in /tmp.
dpkg: error processing netscape3_3.04-4.deb (--install):
 subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
---end quoted text---

And the 3.04 source archive is not in the Netscape

Where can I get it?


Daniel González Gasull       __|_|__    "Un sólo muerto es
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         (o o)     ya demasiado."
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