On Sat, Jan 30, 1999 at 06:56:48PM -0500, Michelle Coelho wrote:
> Now I want to install the bare minimum X11 and a browser (preferably
> netscape), as I'm low on disk space (I've just 72 Mb left).
> Anyone's any suggestions????

Try starting with the base X stuff, then add things on an
as-needed basis.  The X stuff for Debian has been reorganized; see
This document is helpful no matter which release of Debian you are using,
because it provides a good overview.  For a windows manager I have always
used fvwm or fvwm2, but I've seen mention of icewm as a "small" and "fast"
(but less configurable) alternative.  If you really start running out
of space, consider manually deleting things (bending the Debian rules).
For example, twm comes with xbase in hamm (2.0), but is not needed if
you use fvwm2, icewm, etc.

Netscape has gotten more disk and memory hungry
over time.  You might try version 3.x (e.g. 3.04).  See
ftp://archive:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/archive/index.html.  You can
save space by avoiding the "Gold" editions in that release if you don't
want the Netscape mail and html-editing capabilities.  There are better
alternatives in both categories that use fewer machine resources.

> I'll probably try to mount another hard disk...if it's absolutely
> needed..though I'm not too sure how 'easy' (I'm being optimistic here)
> that'll be in Linux.

If you have the disk available, this is not a big deal.  You just need
to allocate a Linux partition, format it (e.g. mke2fs) bearing in mind
that this destroys any old data on the disk, then mount the partition
(and probably add it to /etc/fstab for automatic mounting).  You can
mount it as any name you want (e.g. /disk2 or /morespace or whatever),
or can even move /home there (a little more work, and you have to be
careful to avoid data loss in the transition).

- MikeT

Michael E. Touloumtzis          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ingres Product Development
Computer Associates International

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