Roger Franz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Evidently, fsck
> lost+found'd the index files for apropos/man/mandb, and when I run
> mandb -c
> to recreate them, it tells me it can't. ("Permission denied" errors,
> files missing, etc.)

I assume you're doing this as root?

Try erasing the files with the problems - use `dpkg -S' to find out
what packages they're from so that you can reinstall the package and
get the file back if necessary.  Use `strace -e file' if mandb doesn't 
explain very well which files are causing the problems.

If you can't delete the files as root, first try `chattr -i' on them.
If _that_ doesn't work, you may have to resort to black magic:

Backup what you need.  Copy debugfs onto a floppy.  Boot from the
rescue disk and mount this floppy (and not the hard disk).  Run
debugfs on the partition with the problem, then use its `rm' command
on the offending file.  Save the changes and reboot, and let fsck
clean up the mess.

         Carey Evans
"The risk of U.S. national security resting in the hands of adults who play
with children's toys during office hours is left as an exercise to the reader."
                                                       - Bruce Martin in RISKS

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