Subject: Re: Help compiling my kernel
        Date: Tue, Feb 02, 1999 at 01:00:59PM -0700

In reply to:Gary L. Hennigan

Quoting Gary L. Hennigan([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> | > 4) According to the README in /usr/src/linux, I should link as follows:
> | > 
> | > ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/asm-i386     /usr/include/asm        
> | > ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux                /usr/include/linux      
> | > ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/scsi         /usr/include/scsi
> | > 
> | > Problem is, I have libc6 installed, and it is installed in /usr/include.
> | > Should I do the links as directed?  Or will the libc6 stuff work?
> | 
> | Yes, follow the readme. Take a look in /usr/include, there are a lof
> | of things there.  So what?
> No, I don't think this is true anymore. At some point I remember
> reading a post from Linus stating that doing the above steps could be
> harmful to your system since, presumably, libc was compiled with
> what's already in /usr/include and now you're wiping that with what's
> there for a particular kernel. This could cause a conflict between the
> kernel and libc, which is NOT a Good Thing (TM). He said the best
> thing to do was ignore the above and not make those particular
> symbolic links. I never have, and my kernels compile up and run fine.

Well I haven't done the link in a long while myself, on
slackware or Debian, come to think of it.  In fact the 2.2.0 kernel
Readme no longer mentions it.  

Sorry about that.  I was in a foul mood afer reading this list of

> | > 5) I seem to have three different versions of the header files.
> | > Do I really 
> | > need them all?   I have:
> | > 
> | > libc6                     -> /usr/include
> | > libc5-altdev              -> /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/include
> | > linux source      -> /usr/src/include
> | 
> | Only if you want the system to work.
> Hmm, is anything essential to Debian still linked against libc5? I'm
> not sure, but I don't think so. The only thing I remember in hamm
> requiring libc5 was netscape. That's not true in slink. Of course if
> you try to remove libc5 it'll tell you if anything you have depends on
> it.

My thought here was that, based on the questions asked, that it was
better to leave them in rather then get into it deeper.

> | > 6) The kernel-package docs say I need to run:
> | > 
> | > make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot <version>  
> | > 
> | > Do I need to do this if I compile as root?  I don't have fakeroot
> | > - do I need 
> | > it?  Will su work instead?
> | > 
> | 
> |  Don't know about the --rootcmd as I always make new kernels as root
> | and I don't have fakeroot either.  Hope that answers your questions.
> I'll second this. Never used fakeroot and have never had a problem.
> Gary
> -- 
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