
> I plan to go to kernel 2.2.1 pretty soon, but I noticed there was a patch
> file in .bz2 format which I assumed to be bzip but which doesn't
> decompress with bzip.  

use "bzip2" instead -it´s available as .deb

>                       How do you make a .deb file for the kernel-source
> so I can install it and dselect will list it?  Can anyone tell me what the
> problem is with 2.0.36 kernel?

is the .config from an older kernel? then try make oldconfig - this will add
the changes between old and newer ".config"

until next mail B-)

   :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:
   :          student of technical computer science           :
   :     university of applied sciences krefeld (germany)     :
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