I'd like to go from 2.0.34 to 2.0.35.   I'm moving kind of slow because
I'm using the SuSE 3DLabs xserver for my Creative Labs video card, and
I've heard that it won't work with kernels above 2.0.34 and I recently
heard that it WILL work with 2.0.35.

Anyway, I've had to recompile my existing kernel a few times, once for
sound and once for the hell of it, so I've done that.  But whenever I
did it I just changed to '/usr/src/linux' and did the 'make menuconfig'
config thing and configured the kernel.  I've got the 2.0.35 source and
I've got the updated kernel package for Debian but I noticed one thing:
/usr/src/linux is linked to the 2.0.34 directory.  Am I correct in
assuming that I have to relink /usr/src/linux to the 2.0.35 directory?

Anyway, can someone give me a down and dirty way to do this?  Also, what
are the steps for compiling a kernel?  I've done it before, but I'm a
"scrap of paper" kind of guy.  I jot down notes as I go along from
readmes, how-to's, whatever and at one time I had the process pretty
well described on 3 or 4 scraps of paper, but I think I'm missing a
scrap or two.  I promise if someone gives me the steps, I'll organize
them and keep 'em.  Or better yet, is the process described pretty well
in the readme's for the source (2.0.35)?  I'm pretty sure that that's
pretty close to the way that I did it the other 2 times, but the
procedure is described differently in the kernel package readmes.


James R. Lunsford
Email     - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page - http://www.comports.com/jrl007
ICQ       - 2114258

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