Hey All,

I've just spent 5 1/2 hours trying to get ppp and Mozilla up and 
running. I have successfully gotten ppp to hold the
connection, but I can't get Mozilla to load any pages.
If I type an address such as www.debian.org I get the error that the DNS 
does not exist. It doesn't even seem to try and find it.
If I type in an address such as it searches, connects, 
waits for data and give me the 404 error page from my ISP. At the bottom 
of that page is a hyperlink nack to my ISP's home.
if I click on that I get the no DNS name error pop up box.
I've read all the ppp readmes and man pages but I can't find a thing on 
this error. I also got a SOCKET error pop up from Mozilla.
it said I may need to set an environmental variable to correct this. 
Where and how would I do that??
I'm lost...PLEASE HELP!! I'm about the bang my head of my keyboard!!

roddie rod
"Humanity is the biggest cancer ever to be seen!"
Entombed - 'Contempt'

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